We all know how 2020 went since we all just lived it. Each of experiencing the same world events in uniquely personal ways. Like many folks, I did a lot of cooking and baking. Some successes and some failures (don’t ask about the Lamb Shepherd’s Pie…).
I haven’t made waffles this often…ever. I have a really great waffle iron that makes great waffles super easily but for some reason, I wasn’t making time for it. Back in March/April when buying flour became a bit of a challenge, I ended up grabbing a big box of Bisquick at market. I made these waffles on Easter morning. While cooking up the batter, I put the already created waffles in the oven to keep warm. About an hour later, the oven stopped working….. wah wah….classic 2020. Back to waffles: we learned we really liked waffles and that we were neglecting a great small appliance for no really no reason at all. My mom started to borrow my waffle iron as well, sharing the waffle love over at her house. I am happy to report that the waffle iron is loving all this renewed attention.

Butter Chicken
Apparently I made this Butter Chicken recipe in July. I had a hankering for Indian food and thought I would try my hand at making something rather go with the obvious choice of take out.

I made a delightful French Apple Cake in October for birthday found on the lovely blog, Once Upon a Chef. In a bid to be a bit healthier, I have been opting for cakes which do not need frosting, letting the flavor of the cake itself be the focus. Since we are quarantining at the time, I would make these cakes for my family, cut them up and deliver them…it was the closest we could get to celebrating 2020 birthdays as a group.

In December, I wrapped up the year with a Whole Orange Cake. Much like the name implies, you use an entire orange, peel and all, in the batter. This cake is a bit of work, not going to lie…but it was specifically requested for someone’s birthday and hell, I was up for the challenge.