Grrrr…this was a disaster. I wanted to make a flourless chocolate cake for my boss’ birthday since she has a… Read more Flourless, Tasteless and Wet Chocolate Cake for the Gluten Free Crowd
Author: sugarkrush
This is a lemon cake I made for a wine tasting party that Victor and I held a few weeks… Read more Perfection!
Two (successful) experiments rolled into one chocolatey goodness…
Technically, in my cookies A to Z quest, I am currently on the letter E. I have an E… Read more Two (successful) experiments rolled into one chocolatey goodness…
I believe the children are our future, teach them to cook well and let them lead the way
My friends had their baby…a beautiful baby girl who is incredibly sweet, cuddly and adorable. I wanted to bring something… Read more I believe the children are our future, teach them to cook well and let them lead the way
88 bottles of beer on the wall…
My grandmom turned 88 this month, so I made her some sugar cookies to help keep her sweet 😉 I… Read more 88 bottles of beer on the wall…
The Coffee Cake challenge
Technically there was no overt “challenge” issued in this coffee cake challenge but, the gauntlet was definitely thrown albeit in… Read more The Coffee Cake challenge
When you get handed lemons….
I signed up for another 8 weeks of cake decorating but unfortunately the class was canceled….but I want to improve… Read more When you get handed lemons….
A Date with Destiny
Back to the A to Z cookie effort…..Date and Walnut cookies. The cookies bake up a bit cake-like and are… Read more A Date with Destiny
Tee for two…
Since my cake decorating class is currently on hiatus, I wanted to see if I could challenge myself to come… Read more Tee for two…
No, that’s not Velveeta
*For cake decorating class. The Teapot cake was my first foray into fondant. On the one hand, fondant is easy… Read more No, that’s not Velveeta